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Tenant Verification - Ensuring Peace of Mind for Property Owners

2022-05-18 05:22:50

An Ever-increasing population, soaring property rates, migration to different cities in pursuit of a better standard of living are some of the reasons many people are opting for renting a house. For property owners, urbanization is a reason to have an ear-to-ear grin, but it could turn into a nightmare in the case of a bad tenant.

Monthly quarrels over tenant’s inability to pay the rent, subletting to third parties, and rent wiring scams are just some of the tenant-related worries and frauds that are victimizing the property owners.

Tenant verification is the key to keep the aforementioned tenant-related scams far north. Not only does screening a tenant help property owners keep leasing risks at bay, but it also saves them from bad rental experiences.


Read on to find out how tenant background checks can ensure peace of mind for property owners.

  • It’s a Real-Life ‘Blue Tick’ for Your Tenant: Creating a fake identity card or document is a piece of cake for those who intend to commit fraud. Using these fake identities, a fraudster can rent a property easily and be a root of a plethora of troubles for the property owner. A tenant background check leverages official channels to verify the tenant’s identity documents, thus, ensuring no room for any identity theft. Be it an Aadhar Card, Voter ID, Driving License, or PAN, they are all verified meticulously before giving a thumbs up about the tenant's identity.


  • Verifying Criminal Record: You, as a property owner, surely don’t want someone who had a run-in with the law or someone who has absconded from a different city to seek refuge at your place. If the tenant commits any illegal action, the property owner would be held legally responsible for the act. An essential component of the tenant screening process, criminal background check verifies criminal history information through records across Indian courts. Simply put, tenant verification protects you by eliminating tenants with any history of severe and violent crimes.


  • Tenant Screening Today Keeps Drug Addicts Away: If you have ‘No Alcohol and Drugs’ written with CAPS ON in your rent advertisement, then tenant screening is here to lend you a helping hand. The screening involves conducting drug tests to determine the presence of any illicit drug addiction in your ‘soon to be a tenant.’ Apart from posing a threat to your property and dear ones, a drug or alcohol addict is equally harmful to the neighbors of your property. All in all, make an informed decision with the drug test component of tenant screening and keep a potentially troublesome situation away.


  • Get to Know Your Tenant from Their Previous Landlord(s): The stability and quality of the tenant sit at the top of the priority list for every property owner. A part of the tenant screening service includes checking on your tenant’s previous landlord and finding out if the person you are leasing out your property to is safe and stable. Rental history has a lot to reveal about the person as your tenant. With all the relevant answers and clarifications, you can make an educated decision about renting your place.


  • “P for Peace of Mind” in “P for Pandemic” with COVID-19 Check: Slowly and gradually, working professionals are returning to the ‘work from office’ routine. This, in turn, is increasing the demand for rental spaces once again. But being unaware of a tenant’s COVID history and vaccine status is equivalent to inviting health risks. With the tenant background’s COVID-19 check, you can rest assured of your health. The assessment determines your tenants’ COVID-19 infection status by conducting approved tests. It also informs you about their vaccination status. Indeed, the COVID-19 check is a trusted component that keeps you protected in this unprecedented time.


  • Verification of Any Online Misconduct by Tenants: The potential tenant is clear on the parameters mentioned above. But conducting a background check using social media can further help know more about the tenant and evaluate their personality. Tenant screening service includes social media check wherein the tenant's social media accounts are carefully looked into. Any instance of professional misconduct, violent content, or sexually inappropriate comments are brought to the property owners' notice. 


  • Tenant Verification Goes Beyond Boundaries to Keep You Safe: Perhaps someone from a foreign land is looking for a place to rent in India. Or an Indian working abroad has returned to the country and is searching for a property to rent. In both these cases, you, as a property owner, will have to face challenges to verify the quality of the tenant. However, tenant screening services can save your time and effort with its global database check. Under this head, a records search of the candidate is undertaken across various international regulatory and compliance databases, thus, assuring you that your tenant doesn’t have any record of misconduct in any other country.

Have a Stress Free Rental Experience with Tenant Background Check

With tenant screening, it’s easy to separate the quality tenants from those who could leave you with unpaid rents, damages, and headaches. A carefully undertaken screening process is an effective way to make sure that you find the best renters for your property. Ensure peace of mind with a thorough tenant screening service.


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