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Back / Common Hiring Mistakes and Dangers

Common Hiring Mistakes and Dangers

2022-05-20 05:03:39

Fraud, money laundering, theft, violence, crime are things that happen in organizations. Even after multiple interviews, application reviews and candidate screenings, hiring processes followed by organizations are far from perfect. Some of the most common hiring mistakes can cost more than just money to companies. 

False credentials

In 2012 Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson was fired because of false academic credentials on his resume. Studies show that up to 40% resumes have false credentials – a growing concern for recruiters. The real risk is if these falsified credentials go undetected and the individuals get hired for the job. In all probability, if the candidate lied before getting the job, s/he will lie even when in the job. Candidates could be faking their identity or making up professional experience. 


To avoid these risks, organizations need to follow background verification checks to the T. Stop assuming that candidates are trustworthy. Take services of companies that provide background verification checks. Companies like Fact Suite run complete background checks on candidates’ academic, social, professional backgrounds. 


Negligent hiring  

Employers are responsible for and accountable for their hiring decisions. An upset or damaged employee can make claims against his/her employer stating that the employer either knew or should have known about the employee’s background. Negligent hiring is a legal claim made against the employer by the damaged employee. 


The best way to avoid negligent hiring risks is to run thorough background checks on candidates before hiring. Fact Suite offers services that run background verification checks including all kinds of data checks that provide a complete report on the candidate’s social, professional and academic background.


Dangers of hiring mistakes


Fraud and cyber crime

Most companies would admit that they do not have adequately protected working methods and conditions to safeguard the organization and employees from insider attackers. One big reason for this is that organizations do not realize the level of threats that they are susceptible to. Not following the basic hiring processes that include background verifications of job applicants before hiring them can save companies from a number of dangers.


The reasons and objectives of an insider threat could be any – financial gain, blackmailing, theft of company data, revenge, ruining the reputation of the company, spying for another organization, political or religious belief. The damage that they could cause to a company is much more than an outsider because they have easier access to information and systems. They could cause more reputational harm, loss of property, financial loss or leak sensitive information to rival companies or media and harm professional relations of the company.


Unsafe working conditions 

In 2014 an Uber cab driver had raped a woman. It was only after the incident that the company found that the driver had been detained in his previous job for a similar crime. Had Uber followed background verification processes before hiring, the incident and damage to the company could have been avoided. 


Other than fraud, theft and cyber crime, organizations and employees are vulnerable to unsafe working conditions due to hiring mistakes. Murders, rapes, sexual assaults, mental harassment, blackmailing and stalking, are some of the dangers.


The first thing for organizations to do is to avoid bad hiring by following stringent hiring practices. Running background verifications before getting a candidate on board will pay off by building resilience against dangers and reducing risks to the organization and the employees. Fact Suite’s services in running background verification help organizations avoid dangers of hiring mistakes in a time and cost effective manner. Their service portfolio includes customized solutions for organization-specific requirements. Each aspect of its service addresses risks related to specific job roles assuring the company prevention from risks.


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