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Back / Background Verification isn’t Spying- Dropping the Truthbombs Here

Background Verification isn’t Spying- Dropping the Truthbombs Here

2023-05-03 21:36:26

Employers are the fuel of any company. Regardless of the applicant's performance or fit with the position, a lot of work goes into being ready to hire them. 

Conducting exhaustive background checks can help mitigate this issue and ensure that only competent individuals are hired. The Professional Background Check Association (PBSA) and found that 94% of businesses performed at least one background screening, and 73% had a written policy. 

As the name suggests, background verification ensures that potential employees are telling the truth about themselves. The companies attempt several verifications, including a review of their academic and employment history, confirmation of their identification, verification of the résumé, and verification of their current and previous addresses. 


Misconceptions about background verification 

1. Every background check is the same 

Despite a general consistency, firms have substantial leeway in deciding the details of a candidate's background to investigate. The vast majority of businesses only conduct the kinds of screening that are directly related to their industry and open positions. 

2. Candidates with criminal records cannot work 

Whether or not one gets the job depends on several factors outside your past work history, including the organisation's rules, applicable laws and regulations, and the nature of the position being filled.  

3. Bad background checks should disqualify applicants 

While the results of a thorough background check can be helpful when making a hiring decision, determining if a person is qualified for a position should also be considered from a humane perspective. It involves analysing how they fared in the interview.  


Different Types of Checks and Why They are Done 

Checks on Credit 

Credit checks are required when hiring people for managerial or financial positions. With their consent, you can assess an applicant's financial responsibility, particularly their ability to manage money that isn't their own. Companies can examine applicants' spending patterns and bill-paying practices by looking at their credit reports. The candidate might have missed payments or perhaps filed for bankruptcy. 

Checks for Criminal History 

Criminal background checks are the most frequent; businesses should always carefully consider selecting trustworthy people since they protect staff members and clients from potential risks. They look up past arrests, crimes, misdemeanors, court records, and other relevant information in the sex offender registry and regional and national databases. 

Drug test 

Employers can determine whether applicants are under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs by conducting drug screens. For instance, drug testing should be a top priority if a corporation needs future employees to run machines. 

Verification of Education 

Every company wants to hire a candidate with a good education since it indicates that they are knowledgeable about the field. Many candidates exaggerate. Academic background verification authenticates their degree and claims. 

Employment Verification 

Companies verify employment history. It enables companies to forecast future performance. They may contact their former supervisors before extending job offers to excellent candidates.  

Health Records 

Some employers could be required to evaluate a candidate's physical capabilities since, depending on the position, employers must consider whether candidates can complete the allotted work.  

Reference Check 

By doing reference checks, businesses can better understand candidates' behavior, work ethic, and skills. Employers can speak with people familiar with the applicant and inquire about prior employers' evaluations of their performance.  

Social Media Monitoring 

70% of hiring managers in The Harris Poll's 2020 poll agreed that all businesses should investigate potential employees' social media presence before making a final decision. Furthermore, 78% of companies think existing workers should have a professional social media profile. 


Can BGV be done without the candidate's consent? 

With the proliferation of social media, companies may now do their background checks on candidates without their awareness. Although the right to privacy is a fundamental human right, private organizations cannot be sued for violating this right. 

However, sensitive data restrictions under data protection laws need individual agreement before disclosing any private information, including medical records, financial information like bank records, and biometric information. The Information Technology Rules, 2011 (the "SPDI Rules") and the Information Technology Act, 2000, govern the gathering of personal information and sensitive personal data or information in India.  

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) protects workers against illegal background checks conducted by their employers, even if they are doing it through background verification companies.  



Employee background verification  is not spying. Effectively reducing future workplace violence risks, employment background checks serve to screen out applicants who may threaten the office environment. The efficiency of your recruiting procedure is also enhanced by conducting thorough these checks.  

Conducting background checks on prospective employees might help you retain more of them. For the candidates, you can build a trustworthy relationship with your employer instead of skipping background verification procedures. This process fuels transparency and trust between an employer and employee. 

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